Logging using ELK for MuleSoft

Mazhar Ansari
4 min readApr 3, 2020


Note: While copy/paste the code snippet from blog please covert quotes and double quotes.

What is ELK?

  • ELK is the acronym for three open source projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana
  • Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine
  • Elasticsearch is an open source, full-text search and analysis engine, based on the Apache Lucene search engine
  • Logstash is a server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to a “stash” like Elasticsearch
  • Kibana lets users visualize data with charts and graphs in Elasticsearch

Why do we need a system like ELK?

  • Log aggregation and efficient searching
  • Generic Search

There are three main reasons we need ELK

  • It’s Inter-operable
  • It’s Open Source
  • It’s Managed

How to download ELK

ELK and File Beat can be downloaded from below locations:

ELK General Architecture:

In General the ELK architecture looks as shown in the Image.

ELK General Arch
  • File Beat pools the file and send the data to Logstash
  • Logstash get data filter/process it and send it to Elasticsearch
Logstash in detail
  • Elasticsearch store data in persistent store with Indexing
  • Kibana can pull data on demand and create Graph/Chart/Reporting

If in an Enterprise we have more than one server this how typical ELK stack looks like:

Distributed ELK Architecture with Logstash

As Logstash is heavy on resources we can use filebeat on different which push the data to logstash

Distributed ELK Architecture with Logstash and FileBeat

Lets integrate ELK with MuleSoft:

  • Install ELK and FileBeat on you local system
  • Start Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch log
  • Go to browser and open http://localhost:9200 and if Elasticsearch is running fine you will get output like below.
Elasticsearch Success Response
  • Start Kibana
Kibana log
Kibana Portal
  • Create a logstash configuration file as shown below
Logstash configuration file
  • Line # 5 specifies the port logstash will listen
  • Line # 14 specifies the port Elasticsearch server where logstash forward the data
  • Run log stash with configuration created earlier
  • logstash.bat -f logstash-beat.conf
  • Create a Filebeat configuration file as shown below
FileBeat configuration file
  • Line # 5 specifies the log file to poll
  • You can add more log file similar to line # 5 to poll using same filebeat
  • Line # 7 specifies the pattern of log file to identify the start of each log
  • Line # 8 and 9 are required to each log span more than one line
  • Run Filebeat with configuration created earlier
  • filebeat.exe -c filebeat.yml
  • Now go to Kibana (http://localhost:5601) -> Management -> Index pattern
Kibana Portal -> Management
  • Click on Create Index Pattern
  • You can see a new index filebeat-7.6.1–2020.03.30 is created. This Index is created because of line # 15 of the logstash configuration file. Select it and click on Next Step
Kibana Portal Index Creation Step 1
Kibana Portal Index Creation Step 1
  • Click on dropdown and select @timestamp and click on Create Index Pattern
Kibana Portal Index Creation Step 2
  • Start Mule application for which log you have configured in filebeat configuration (line # 5)
  • Run few cases so Mule file can generate the logs
Mulesoft log
Kibana Portal -> Discover
  • In Search you can write any suitable expression to search specific text from log file

Reference Material:

  • Installing the Elastic Stack on Windows (https://logz.io/blog/elastic-stack-windows/)
  • THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE ELK STACK (https://logz.io/learn/complete-guide-elk-stack/#installing-elk)
  • File Beat + ELK(Elastic, Logstash and Kibana) Stack to index logs to Elasticsearch

Related Blog:



Mazhar Ansari
Mazhar Ansari

Written by Mazhar Ansari

I am seasoned Integration Architect with around 18+ yrs of exp. I have extensively worked on TIBCO and Mulesoft. Mainly in EAI, ESB, SOA, API and BPM projects.

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